The Elvira Collection

The Elvira Collection

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, hosts and comments on a frightfully funny collection of campy horror movie classics!

The Elvira Collection
  • A Bucket of Blood

    A dimwitted busboy at a beatnik cafe passes off a cat he accidentally killed and covered in plaster as a sculpture, prompting a demand for more art that compels him to commit murders.

  • Gamera, Super Monster

    A giant prehistoric turtle is the only hope for Earth's survival after a group of giant monsters invades the planet.

  • Maneater of Hydra

    While vacationing in the Mediterranean, a group of tourists pays to spend a weekend exploring a lush island occupied by the botanist Baron von Weser. Their money will fund the continuation of his experiments, but their blood will feed the demented Baron's carnivorous plants.

  • Night of the Living Dead

    A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

  • Scared to Death

    From a slab in the morgue, a dead woman tells the bizarre tale of how she got there, through a maze of murder involving a hypnotist, a dwarf, and a mysterious figure in a green mask.

  • The Devil's Wedding Night

    Lady Dracula uses Dracula's ring to lure beautiful girls to her castle, where she murders them, so she can bathe in their blood.

  • The House That Screamed

    A strict headmistress runs a secluded school for wayward girls in 19th century France, whose students are disappearing under mysterious circumstances.

  • The Killer Shrews

    On an isolated island, a small group of people are terrorized by giant voracious shrews in the midst of a hurricane.

  • The Manster

    A foreign correspondent in Japan is given an experimental drug which causes an eye and eventually, a second head to grow from his shoulder.

  • The Terror

    A young French soldier cut off from his unit is beguiled by a mysterious woman, whom he learns is the wife of the local Baron - and that she seemingly died twenty years earlier.